Shipping a Car from NY to Florida: What You Need to Know

Brantley Kendall

23 Aug 2023 11 months ago

Ever wondered how cars magically appear in different states? Like, how does your neighbor’s car end up in Florida when they lived in New York? Well, here’s the secret: they probably used a super cool car shipping service! But wait, how does that work? How do cars survive such a long trip? And most importantly, could you do that too?

If you’re thinking about moving your car from the bustling streets of New York to the sunny beaches of Florida, you’re in for an exciting ride. But hold on a second – do you really want to drive all that way? Isn’t there an easier way to get your car there? Lucky for you, there totally is! And it involves hiring some car shipping pros.

The distance between Florida and New York is about 1150 miles. From maneuvering New York’s busy streets to cruising through the open roads of the Carolinas and Georgia, the journey spans diverse terrains and weather.

Moving a vehicle this far is more than point A to B. It involves ensuring safety, choosing a shipping method, and complying with regulations. Will you opt for open transport, exposing your car to the elements for a lower cost? Or enclosed car transport, providing more protection for a higher price?

These choices shape your car’s journey and your peace of mind. Don’t overlook the careful planning: coordinating pickup, delivery dates, preparing your vehicle, and understanding insurance. Like planning a road trip, shipping across state lines requires careful preparation.

This guide simplifies the process of shipping your car from New York to Florida. In the end you can comfortably navigate the complexities of the transportation for a safe arrival under the Florida sun. Let’s embark on this journey of knowledge.

The process of transporting your car from New York to Florida

The process of transporting your car from New York to Florida involves a series of well-defined steps, each contributing to the successful and efficient relocation of your vehicle:

  • Initial Assessment and Decision-making

To start, evaluate the need to transport your car over the substantial distance from New York to Florida. Assess whether the convenience and expenses of transportation outweigh the alternatives, such as selling your vehicle and purchasing a new one upon arrival.For example, if you possess a unique or valuable car, it could prove more economically viable to transport it rather than opting for a replacement.

  • Research and Selection of Shipping Method

Delve into the options and choose between open transport and enclosed transport. Open car transport is cost-effective, but it exposes your car to environmental elements. On the other hand, enclosed transport offers heightened protection, albeit at a higher cost. Consider, for example, if your vehicle is a classic or luxury model, enclosed transport might be preferable to prevent potential damage.

  • Evaluation of Auto Transport Companies

Conduct thorough research into reputable auto transport companies offering services between New York and Florida. Peruse reviews, verify licenses, and ensure adequate insurance coverage. Platforms like the Better Business Bureau and online customer feedback can offer insights into the reliability of various transport providers.

  • Request and Compare Quotes

Secure quotes from multiple auto transport companies and make comparisons based on factors such as shipping duration, insurance coverage, and customer feedback.Suppose Company A provides a lower price, while Company B boasts better insurance coverage and more favorable customer reviews. In this case you can compare between these two and choose one that best fits your bill.

  • Booking and Scheduling

Once you’ve settled on a dependable auto transport company, schedule your shipping slot well in advance. Coordinate pickup and delivery dates to align with your moving timetable. If you’re relocating during peak seasons, making early reservations ensures securing a slot amidst high demand.

  • Vehicle Preparation

Prepare your car for transport by meticulously cleaning it, removing personal belongings, and ensuring it’s in optimal working condition. Take photographs to document any pre-existing damage.Cleaning your car, for instance, helps mitigate the risk of potential contaminants causing harm during transport.

  • Coordinating Pickup

Arrange a suitable time and location for the transport company to retrieve your vehicle. Be present during pickup to facilitate an accurate inspection.You might decide to have the transport company collect your car from your present residence or a nearby terminal.

  • Signing Contracts and Finalizing Details

Carefully review and sign the contract provided by the auto transport company. Ensure you grasp the terms, insurance coverage, and any potential fees.For instance, if there’s a cancellation fee, make certain you understand the circumstances under which it may apply.

  • Vehicle Delivery and Inspection

Upon your car’s arrival in Florida, carefully inspect it for any potential damage incurred during transit. Document any newly arisen issues.If you happen to identify any scratches that were absent during the initial inspection, it’s crucial to document them.

  • Settling Payments and Finalizing Documentation

Wrap up any remaining payments and required paperwork necessary for the delivery of your vehicle. Verify the accuracy and completeness of the inspection report.Ensure you comprehend the timing and method for settling payments.

  • Enjoy Your Car in Florida

With your car successfully transported, you can embark on your new journey in Florida, exploring the Sunshine State with your trusty vehicle at your service.Whether your plans involve visits to the beach or urban exploration, your car will once again be your dependable companion.

Planning Your Car Shipping Journey

Several key factors warrant your consideration as you prepare to transport your vehicle from one location to another. Here are some essential aspects to contemplate:

Early Planning: Early planning allows for ample time to research, evaluate options, and make informed decisions. It minimizes last-minute rush and enables you to secure preferred dates and services.

Budget Allocation: A well-defined budget empowers you to make financially prudent choices. Consider the costs involved within the process, including transportation fees, insurance coverage, and any potential surcharges. A well-defined budget empowers you to make financially prudent choices.

Strategic Timing: Choose the optimal time for your car shipping journey. Factors such as weather conditions, seasonal demand fluctuations, and personal commitments all influence the ideal timing. By aligning your shipping schedule with favorable conditions, you enhance the likelihood of a smooth transit.

Research and Consultation: Engage in thorough research to identify reputable car shipping companies. Seek recommendations, read reviews, and verify the credentials of potential service providers. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification on any uncertainties.

Insurance Considerations: Ensure that your chosen car shipping company provides adequate insurance coverage. Confirm the extent of coverage and understand the claims process in the unlikely event of any damage during transit.

Documentation and Contracts: Review all documentation and contracts provided by the car shipping company carefully. Understand the terms, conditions, and any potential fees. Clear communication and comprehension are key to avoiding misunderstandings later.

Understanding Car Shipping Options: Open and Enclosed

Selecting the right method can significantly impact the safety, cost, and convenience of shipping your car. Below are some key considerations surrounding car shipping, focusing on two fundamental aspects: the choice between open and enclosed transport, and the decision between terminal-to-terminal and door-to-door delivery.

Open vs. Enclosed Transport

The crux of your car shipping journey hinges on the transportation method you select. Open transport, akin to a panoramic drive, offers an economical avenue for shipping. As vehicles traverse highways, they become part of an exposed convoy. Let’s explore these options one by one: 

  • Open carrier transport

Open carrier transport involves loading your vehicle onto a large truck that has no roof or sides. Your vehicle will be securely strapped onto the truck’s flatbed, along with other vehicles. This type of transport is cost-effective and commonly used for everyday cars. While your vehicle is exposed to the open air during transport, it’s still secured and protected from road debris. It’s like your car taking a ride on a specialized truck with no walls or roof, along with other cars.

  • Enclosed Transport

Enclosed transport is like giving your car a cozy, protective ride. Instead of being out in the open like on a regular truck, your car gets loaded into a closed truck or trailer. This shields it from bad weather, dirt, and other things on the road.You might want enclosed transport if your car is special, like a classic car or a luxury vehicle. Also, if the weather is not great during transport or if you want extra care, enclosed transport is a good choice. It’s like choosing a safe, cozy space for your car to travel in.

Finally, which one to choose?

Think about how much protection you want for your vehicle.

  • Open Transport: If you’re okay with your car being out in the open during transport and want a more budget-friendly option, choose open transport. It’s like your car taking a ride on a truck without walls.

Enclosed Transport: If your car is valuable, classic, or you’re worried about weather and road conditions, choose enclosed transport. It’s like your car being placed inside a protective box on the truck.

Terminal-to-Terminal vs. Door-to-Door Delivery

Imagine you’re sending your car on a journey. With terminal-to-terminal delivery, it’s like you’re dropping off your car at a specific place, kind of like a parking lot for cars. Then, when it reaches the other end of the journey, you pick it up from another parking lot.

Now, with door-to-door delivery, it’s more like getting a special delivery to your home. Someone comes to your house, picks up your car, and then brings it directly to your new place when it reaches the destination. Your car gets a personal chauffeur to take it from your old home to your new home.

Terminal-to-terminal vehicle transport is a convenient way to move your car. Here’s why it’s great:

  • Saves Money: It’s usually more budget-friendly since you’re taking your car to a big parking lot (terminal) yourself.
  • Safe Holding Areas: Terminals are safe and secure places where your car waits for the transport truck. You don’t have to worry about it.
  • Flexible Timing: You can drop off your car when it’s convenient for you, and then pick it up when you’re ready at the destination terminal.
  • Urban-Friendly: If you live in a city, terminals are often located in accessible spots, making it easy to get there.
  • Control: You get to see your car off and welcome it at the other end, giving you peace of mind.

Opting for door-to-door vehicle delivery offers a range of advantages that enhance the convenience and security of transporting your car. Here’s why this option stands out:

  • Effortless Convenience: With door-to-door delivery, your car is collected from your current location and delivered directly to your desired destination. This eliminates the need for you to drop off or pick up your vehicle from a specific terminal.
  • Time Efficiency: The streamlined process ensures that your car takes the most direct route from your current location to your new destination. This reduces travel time and simplifies the overall transport timeline.
  • Personalized Service: By entrusting your vehicle to a transport professional who delivers it to your doorstep, you benefit from a tailored and personalized experience, minimizing your involvement in the logistics.
  • Minimal Handling: Door-to-door delivery reduces the number of times your car needs to be loaded and unloaded, minimizing the potential for any wear or tear during the transport process.
  • Urban and Suburban Accessibility: This option is particularly advantageous for both urban and suburban residents, as the service accommodates various residential settings

Researching Car Shipping Services

Below are  a few tips to help you pick the right car shipping services:

1. Checking Credentials and Licenses

When you’re looking for a car shipping service, it’s important to make sure they’re legit and have the right licenses. Here’s how to do it:

  • Look for Official Info: Go to the company’s website and see if they show their licenses and certifications. This can tell you if they’re allowed to do this kind of work.
  • Ask Questions: If you’re not sure about something, don’t be afraid to ask! Call or email the company and ask about their licenses. A good company will be happy to explain.
  • Check for Insurance: Besides licenses, check if the company has insurance. This is like a safety net in case anything goes wrong during the shipping.

2. Reading Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Finding out what other people think about a car shipping company is super helpful. Here’s how to do it without any hassle:

  • Search Online Reviews: Go to places like Google Reviews, Yelp, or the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Look for stars and read what people say about the company.
  • Look for Common Themes: Sometimes, lots of people will say the same good or bad things. Pay attention to these because they can give you a good idea about what the company is like.
  • Ask Friends or Family: If you know anyone who’s used a car shipping service, ask them for their thoughts. Personal experiences can be really useful!

3. Getting Multiple Quotes for Comparison

Comparing prices and services is a smart move when choosing a car shipping company. Here’s how you can do it easily:

  • Check Online: Many companies have websites where you can put in your details and get an estimated price. Look for a few of these to compare.
  • Use Comparison Sites: Some websites gather quotes from different companies all in one place. This makes comparing much easier.
  • Talk to Companies: Don’t be shy! Call or email a few companies directly and tell them what you need. They can give you more accurate prices and maybe even discounts.

Final Tips

Remember, it’s totally okay to take your time and ask questions. Moving your car is a big deal, so you want to make sure you’re picking the right people for the job. Checking licenses, reading reviews, and comparing quotes will help you find a car shipping service you can trust.

Preparing Your Vehicle for Shipping

Getting your car ready for shipping might sound a bit intimidating, but with a simple checklist and a few easy steps, you’ll have your vehicle prepped and ready to go in no time. Let’s break down the process so you can feel confident about sending your car on its journey.

1. Cleaning and Inspecting the Vehicle

A clean car not only looks good but also helps with a smooth inspection process. Follow these steps:

  • Wash the Exterior: Give your car a good wash to remove dirt, grime, and any debris. This will make it easier to spot existing scratches or marks.
  • Clean the Interior: Tidy up the inside as well. Remove loose items, vacuum the floors, and wipe down surfaces.
  • Inspect for Existing Damage: Take a careful look at your car’s exterior. Note any existing scratches, dents, or other damages. It’s a good idea to take photos or videos of these so you have a record.

 2. Removing Personal Belongings

It’s important to remove personal belongings from your car before shipping to ensure safety and prevent damage. Follow these steps:

  • Empty the Trunk and Interior: Remove all personal items from the trunk, seats, and storage areas. This includes CDs, documents, chargers, and anything else you’ve left in the car.
  • Check Hidden Areas: Don’t forget to look in the glove compartment, sun visors, and any other compartments where you might have stashed something.

3. Documenting Existing Damages

Before you hand over your car for shipping, documenting its current condition is crucial. This will help in case any damage occurs during transportation. Here’s how to do it:

  • Use Photos and Videos: Take clear pictures or videos of your car’s exterior from all angles. Make sure to capture existing damages, even minor ones.
  • Detail the Documentation: For each photo or video, note down the date and a brief description of the damage. This will help you remember what you’ve documented.

A Checklist of Documents You Need to Transport Your Vehicle

Getting your car ready for shipping involves more than just prepping the vehicle itself. You’ll need to make sure you have the right documents in order to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process. Here’s a breakdown of the essential documents you’ll need:

1. Vehicle Registration and Title

Your vehicle’s registration and title are crucial documents that prove ownership and legality. Make sure to:

  • Check Validity: Ensure that your vehicle’s registration and title are up-to-date and valid. If they’re about to expire, consider renewing them before shipping.
  • Make Copies: Create photocopies of your registration and title. Keep the originals in a safe place, like a folder at home, and have the copies ready to provide to the shipping company.

2.  Proof of Insurance

Having valid insurance coverage is important during transportation. Take these steps:

  • Contact Your Insurance Provider: Inform your auto insurance company that your vehicle will be transported. Check if your existing coverage extends to the shipping process or if you need additional coverage during transit.
  • Obtain Proof of Insurance: Request a document from your insurance company that proves your vehicle is covered during shipping. This might be a certificate or letter.

3. Identification

Personal identification is necessary to ensure that you’re the rightful owner of the vehicle. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Driver’s License: Keep a copy of your valid driver’s license handy. This helps in confirming your identity and ownership.
  • Alternative ID: If you’re not personally present during the drop-off or pickup of the vehicle, ensure that the designated person has a valid ID and possibly a signed authorization from you.

Tips for choosing the right insurance coverage

Think of it as a safety net for your car while it’s on its way to its destination. Here’s why it’s a big deal and what options you have:

Why Insurance Coverage Matters:

Let’s  understand with an example,  your car gets a scratch or a dent during transportation. Without insurance, you might end up having to pay for the repairs yourself. That’s where proper insurance coverage comes in. It’s like having a backup plan in case something goes wrong. It gives you peace of mind knowing that your car is protected, even if accidents happen.

Options Available:

  • Basic Liability Insurance: This is usually the minimum coverage required by law. It helps cover damages to other people’s property if you’re at fault in an accident. But here’s the thing: basic liability insurance might not cover damages to your car during transportation.
  • Cargo Insurance: This type of insurance specifically covers your car while it’s being transported. It’s like a shield that protects your vehicle from damages during loading, unloading, and transit. Cargo insurance can be a lifesaver if unexpected accidents occur.
  • Comprehensive Insurance: This is like the superhero of car insurance. It not only covers damages during transportation but also other mishaps like theft, vandalism, and natural disasters. If you’re really attached to your car, comprehensive insurance might be your best bet.

Choosing the Right Coverage

Here’s the deal: the level of coverage you need depends on your car’s value and your comfort level. If your car is a vintage beauty or brand-new, you might want more coverage. On the other hand, if it’s an older car, basic cargo insurance might be enough.

  • How to Get Covered: Check with Your Current Insurance: First, reach out to your current auto insurance provider. Some policies might already offer coverage during transportation. But remember, it might not be comprehensive.
  • Ask the Shipping Company: When you book your car transportation, ask the company about their insurance options. They might offer cargo insurance or give you info on how to get it.
  • Research and Compare: If you’re not satisfied with the options provided, do a little research. Look for insurance companies that specialize in cargo or transportation coverage. Compare quotes to find the best deal.

Tips for a Smooth Car Shipping Experience

Getting your car shipped might seem like a big deal, but with a few easy tips, you’ll have a stress-free journey for your vehicle. Let’s break it down step by step:

1. Communicating with the Carrier:

Clear communication is key. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Share Details: Provide the shipping company with the details ofyour car’s make, model, and any special needs it might have. The more they know, the better they can plan.
  • Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask any questions you have about the process. It’s better to know everything upfront.

2. Ensuring Clear Pickup and Delivery Instructions:

Getting your car to the right place is super important. Follow these steps:

  • Check Addresses: Double-check that you’ve given the correct addresses for pickup and delivery. Mistakes happen, but we’re aiming for a smooth journey.
  • Be Flexible: Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Be open to slight changes in pickup and delivery times due to traffic or weather.

3. Staying Informed About the Progress:

You’re not left in the dark during shipping. Stay informed:

  • Ask for Updates: Find out how you’ll receive updates about your car’s journey. The shipping company might have a tracking system or regular communication.
  • Keep Contacts Handy: Get the contact information of a person at the shipping company. If you have questions, you’ll know who to call.

4. Stay Patient and Positive

Remember, patience and a positive attitude goes a long way:

  • Practice Patience: Shipping can take a bit of time, especially for long distances. Stay patient while your car makes its way.
  • Stay Positive: Think of this as an adventure for your car. It’s in good hands, and it’ll arrive at its destination just fine.

What SAKAEM’s Clients Have to Say!

Absolutely thrilled with SAKAEM Logistics for delivering my car safe and sound! The whole process was simple and stress-free. When I buy my next car, I know who to call! – Sam

My experience was incredible; just like the feeling of wearing a brand-new suit from Nordstrom’s. A big thank you to Dawn for being so helpful. Sakaem is lucky to have such a pro on their team! – Miranda

Using SAKAEM Logistics to move my SUV from Georgia to New Jersey was fantastic! They did an amazing job, and I’d recommend them without hesitation. – Suzen

SAKAEM Logistics gets a big thumbs up from me! My car’s safe arrival was thanks to their expertise. The process was simple, and I’ll definitely return for my next car.– Ricky Just like how wearing a new Nordstrom’s suit feels amazing, my experience with Sakaem was impressive. A big shoutout to Dawn for her helpfulness.Sakaem’s team knows their stuff!-Greag

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would I need to ship my car from New York to Florida?

People ship their cars for various reasons, like relocating, purchasing a vehicle online, or avoiding a long drive. It’s a convenient way to get ship your vehicle to another state.

How much does it cost to ship a car from New York to Florida?
The cost to ship a car varies based on factors like distance, type of vehicle, shipping method, and current market conditions. Getting quotes from multiple companies can give you a better idea.

How long does it take to ship a car between these states?

The transit time depends on distance and route. On average, it might take about 7-10 days. Keep in mind that weather and traffic conditions can also impact delivery time.

Is my car insured during transportation?

Most reputable car shipping companies provide insurance coverage for your vehicle during transportation. Confirm the details of the insurance policy with the chosen company.

Should I choose open or enclosed transport?

Open transport is more common and cost-effective. Enclosed transport provides more protection, making it suitable for luxury or vintage cars.

Can I leave personal items in my car during shipping?

It’s recommended to remove all personal belongings from the car. Carriers aren’t responsible for items left inside, and it can also add weight, affecting the shipping cost.

How do I prepare my car for shipping?

Clean your car, document any existing damage with photos, remove custom accessories, and ensure the fuel tank is around a quarter full. The shipping company will provide specific instructions.

What documents do I need for car shipping?

You’ll usually need your vehicle’s registration, title, proof of insurance, and a valid photo ID. Specific requirements can vary, so ask the shipping company for a checklist.

Can I track the progress of my car during shipping?

Many reputable car shipping companies offer tracking services. You can check with the company about how to access updates on your vehicle’s location and estimated delivery time.

What if my car gets damaged during transportation? If you notice any damage upon delivery, document it and report it to the carrier immediately. If you’ve chosen a reputable company with insurance, they should guide you through the claims process.


In conclusion, shipping your car from New York to Florida might seem like a complex journey, but with the right information and steps, it can be a seamless experience. Whether you’re relocating, purchasing a new vehicle, or simply exploring a new horizon, understanding the process is key. From choosing the right shipping method to preparing your car and gathering necessary documentation, each step contributes to a successful transport.

Remember, clear communication with the shipping company, staying informed about the progress, and maintaining a positive attitude are essential for a smooth journey. By following the guidelines outlined in this blog, you can ensure that your beloved car arrives safely and comfortably in the Sunshine State. is here to support you through this journey, offering reliable car transportation services and a customer-friendly approach. With their expertise and dedication, you can trust that your car is in good hands. So, start off this exciting venture with confidence, knowing that your car’s journey from New York to Florida is well-guided and worry-free.

Common Questions People Also Ask (PAA)

1. How much does it cost to ship a car from NY to Florida?

Car shipping NY to FL costs varies, around $800-$1500. However, the final cost depends on several other factors like distance, and time.

2. Is it better to choose open or enclosed transport for car shipping?

When deciding between open and enclosed transport for shipping your car, open transport is more affordable but leaves your car exposed to the elements. Enclosed transport costs more but provides better protection from weather and road debris.

3. What documents do I need for car shipping?

To ship your car, you’ll generally need documents like the car’s title, registration, your identification, and insurance information. These documents are necessary for proper documentation and processing.

4. How do I prepare my car for transportation?

Before shipping your car, it’s important to clean it, remove personal items, check for any existing damage, and ensure the fuel level is relatively low. This helps ensure a smooth transportation process.

5. Can I track the progress of my car during shipping?

Most car shipping companies offer tracking services, allowing you to keep an eye on your car’s journey and know its current location during transportation.

6. Is car shipping insured? What does the insurance cover?

Car shipping typically comes with insurance coverage to protect against damage that might occur during transit. This insurance covers any potential harm to your car while it’s being transported.

 7. How long does it take to ship a car from New York to Florida?

Shipping a car from New York to Florida usually takes around 1 to 2 weeks, but the exact time can vary based on factors such as distance and specific routes.

8. What’s the difference between terminal-to-terminal and door-to-door delivery?

Terminal-to-terminal delivery is less expensive, requiring you to drop off and pick up your car at specific terminals. Door-to-door car shipping is more convenient, as the shipping company picks up and drops off your car directly to/from your locations.

9. Can I ship personal belongings in my car during transportation?

Some car shipping companies allow you to ship personal belongings inside your car, but there are often restrictions. You should check the company’s policy and guidelines before packing anything in your car.

10. How do I choose a reputable car shipping company? To choose a reputable car shipping company, look for ones with positive customer reviews, proper licenses, valid insurance, transparent pricing, and clear communication. Researching and comparing options can help you make an informed decision.

Brantley Kendall