Is Your Dealership Prepared to Sell Electric Cars?

Brantley Kendall

16 Jun 2022 2 years ago

Are you prepared to sell electric cars? If you haven’t thought about it, now’s the time to reboot your car dealership. After all-electric vehicles are the future of auto sales. In this article, we have outlined some ways your car dealership can embrace electric cars. 

Auto manufacturers are rapidly shifting towards EVs. Since 2021 the race for carbon neutrality has made many car manufacturers commit to creating all-electric vehicles. Companies like Hyundai, Ford, Volkswagen, and Nissan are lining up plans for EV manufacture. So, it won’t be long before these vehicles also make their way to your car dealership. According to a survey, by 2030, 52% of all vehicle sales will be of EVs. 

Due to this enormous shift, you must prepare for future electric vehicle sales. You can create an environment where EVs will be integral to your vehicle catalog. So, your dealership can attract an entirely new set of customers. Your preparation may include training for your sales, service, and F & I team. 

Selling EVs is not so different from a gas-powered vehicle. If you think there is no market for electric cars, remember they are relatively new to the world. Fuel prices are rising internationally, so this factor can work in your favor. As soon as more people learn about them and manufacturers start churning out EVs with advanced features, the market for them will grow.

So, let’s check out some critical steps that you can follow to prepare your car dealership and sell EVs:

Add Charging Stations

To support electric vehicle sales in the future, your car dealership may have to invest in costly infrastructure. It may be expensive, but for future sales, these updates will definitely pay off. 

You must consider adding charging stations in your lot to cater to your customers. The good news is that only a handful of dealers are interested in this plan. So, you will be way ahead of them in future planning. The OEM subsidies and funds from co-op programs can help you plan ahead.

Charging Stations

Train Your Team

If your staff is unable to match customers to relevant resources, they will likely lose interest in your EV dealership. Hence, your team must be knowledgeable and confident enough to navigate customers through all details expertly. Your staff is already selling cars. But electric vehicles differ from gas-powered ones. 

Firstly they need a charging station. Secondly, their mileage is measured in range and not in mpg. They don’t have many components like brake pads or spark plugs, so they don’t require as much maintenance. 

A knowledgeable staff member will be able to expertly guide your customers by listing the benefits of state or federal tax incentives for EVs. The goal is to match the customer with the vehicle that best fits their requirement. 

For instance, if a customer has kids, your team must be able to rationalize if they require a big vehicle or something with excellent gas mileage. If they have a family, they may need a custom car. So, the team should give suggestions and recommendations accordingly. By putting forward the selling points, your sales team can turn potential customers into leads.

Build Your Customers’ Trust

In a 2021 study, 91% of car buyers have stated that their purchase decision depends on their trust in the car dealership, pricing and the quality of communication offered. So, your car dealership needs to provide personalized solutions to your customers to build brand loyalty. 

For instance, you can mention an in-home charging station to a homeowner or point out a charging station nearby. Point out the advantages which owning an electric vehicle will bring your customers. Explain to them that it needs no minor maintenance. Your clients might be advocates of a cleaner and greener world. So, let them know that EVs are eco-friendly. This point will be enough to win them over.

A well-planned marketing strategy will assess a car buyer’s interest and what motivates their buying decision. So, you can tailor your messaging according to their choices. You can offer your customers trade-offs, pre-orders, tax credits, and OEM incentives to motivate them in their purchase decision.

Showcase Your Electric Cars

Don’t be afraid to flaunt your electric cars on the lot. Upload videos of your lot on social media. In addition, contact your local newspaper and TV channel to showcase the electric vehicles. You can also give interviews to your local reporters. They are always on a hunt for interesting stories. 

Make your EVs part of a visibility broadcast. Get the attention of local people as well as those who are interested in exploring new ways of transportation. People who want a cleaner option will definitely visit your car dealership. Additionally, most of these companies also will give door to door delivery. This takes away both the fear of exhaustion and reliability.

Don’t stick your Evs at the back or in a corner. Place them at specific angles, and make the space of your lot fuller to attract potential customers. 

Electric Car

Roll Out Some EVs for Test Drives

People like to test out merchandise before buying. It’s an integral part of their purchase decisions. So, dedicate some EVs for a test drive on your lot and ensure they are fully charged and ready to go. This will build your brand’s confidence in your potential buyers. It will also instill the belief that you are serious about selling EVs, and they are not just here as an add-on or a requirement.


Electric cars are going to be more prevalent in upcoming years. They are becoming energy-efficient with the passing years and easier to maintain. If you are running a car dealership, it’s time you think about including EVs in your lot. By selling these cars, you’ll attract a new group of potential customers. The benefits of EVs are also endless. You just need to do some preparations like adding a charging station, training your staff, and devising a market strategy to build your customers’ trust in your dealership. If you successfully integrate EVs into your catalog and encourage people to buy them, your dealership will definitely flourish in the auto industry.

Brantley Kendall