7 Things your Auto Dealership Marketing Plan should include

Brantley Kendall

31 Aug 2022 2 years ago

It’s no secret that a well-executed marketing plan is essential for any business, especially auto dealerships. After all, in order to sell cars, you need to generate buzz and get people through the door. But what should your marketing plan include? Here are seven essential elements.

A professional website:

A website is the foundation of an effective auto dealership marketing plan. It’s the first place customers go to learn about your dealership, and it needs to make a good impression. A professional website will help you build trust with potential customers and establish your dealership as a credible source for information about vehicles.

Your website should be easy to navigate and include clear calls to action. It should also be mobile-friendly, as more and more people are using their smartphones to research vehicles. Make sure your website is up to date with the latest information about your inventory, financing options, and specials.

A website is a powerful marketing tool that can help you reach your target audience and generate leads. Invest in a professional website for your auto dealership to get the most out of your marketing plan.

Social Media Platforms:

As the world of marketing continues to evolve, so too must the auto dealerships that are looking to stay ahead of the curve. One of the most important aspects of any modern marketing plan is having a strong social media presence.

In today’s digital age, potential customers are increasingly turning to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and  Instagram to research and learn about new products and services. If your auto dealership isn’t actively leveraging social media as part of its marketing strategy, then you’re likely missing out on a huge opportunity to reach and engage with potential customers.

Not only does a strong social media presence provide you with an avenue to connect with more customers, but it also allows you to build trust and credibility with your audience. In the automotive industry, where reputation is everything, this is an invaluable asset.

If you’re not convinced of the importance of social media for auto dealerships, consider the following statistics:

– 78% of car buyers say that social media posts influenced their purchase decision (Source: Digital Marketing Ramblings)

– 55% of car buyers say that they are more likely to purchase from a dealer that is active on social media (Source: Social Media Examiner)

– 61% of car buyers are likely to visit a dealer’s website after seeing their content on social media (Source: Digital Marketing Ramblings)

As you can see, there is a clear and direct correlation between having a strong social media presence and being successful in today’s auto sales industry. If you’re not using social media as part of your marketing strategy, then you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to reach and engage with potential customers. Don’t let your dealership get left behind – start leveraging social media today!

Social Media Platforms

Online Reviews:

Online reviews are one of the most important aspects of an auto dealership marketing plan. In today’s digital age, potential customers are more likely to research a business online before making a purchase. According to a study by BrightLocal, 86% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses, and 90% of those said positive reviews influenced their decision to  use a local business.

In other words, online reviews are essential for auto dealerships because they help build trust with potential customers and ultimately lead to more sales.

There are a few reasons why online reviews are so important for auto dealerships:

1. Online Reviews Help You Rank Higher in Search Results

One of the main benefits of online reviews is that they help improve your search engine rankings. This is because search engines like Google take into account the number and quality of online reviews when determining where to rank a business in search results.

This means that if you want your auto dealership to be visible to potential customers who are searching for a new car, it’s important to make sure you have plenty of positive online reviews.

2. Online Reviews Help Build Trust with Potential Customers

Another reason why online reviews are so important for auto dealerships is that they help build trust with potential customers. In today’s digital age, people are used to researching businesses online before making a purchase. And one of the first things they’ll do is read online reviews to  get an idea of what others think of the business.

If your dealership has mostly positive reviews, potential customers will be more likely to trust you and do business with you. On the other hand, if you have mostly negative reviews, it will be much harder to build trust and convince potential customers to buy from you.

3. Online Reviews Can Help You Identify Areas for Improvement

Finally, online reviews can also be helpful for auto dealerships because they can help identify areas for improvement. If you notice that you’re consistently getting negative reviews in a certain area, such as customer service or the quality of your cars, you can take steps to improve in that area.

This can not only help improve your online reputation, but it can also lead to more customers and more sales.

Overall, online reviews are an essential part of any auto dealership marketing plan. They can help improve your search engine rankings, build trust with potential customers, and identify areas for improvement. If you want your auto dealership to be successful, make sure you focus on getting plenty of positive online reviews.


There are many reasons why blogs are important for an auto dealership marketing plan. One reason is that blogs can help to improve your search engine optimization (SEO). When you include keyword-rich blog posts on your website, it gives you a better chance of ranking higher in search results pages (SERPs). This can lead to more website visitors, and ultimately, more customers.

Another reason why blogs are beneficial for auto dealerships is that they provide a platform for you to share your expert knowledge about cars and the automotive industry. By writing informative blog posts, you can establish yourself as a trusted resource for potential customers. This can help build confidence and encourage them to do business with you.

Finally, blogs give you an opportunity to stay in touch with your current and past customers. You can use your blog to announce new product offerings, dealer events, or special promotions. You can also use it to provide helpful tips or advice related to car ownership. By staying connected with your customers, you can build loyalty and keep them coming back for their automotive needs.

If you’re not already including blogs as part of your auto dealership marketing plan, now is the time to start. They offer a number of benefits that can help you attract new customers and improve your business.


Text Messaging

There are several reasons why text messaging is important for an auto dealership marketing plan. First, it allows dealerships to send timely and relevant messages to customers and prospects. This can include special offers, appointment reminders, service alerts, and more. Secondly, text messaging is a highly personal form of communication that can help build relationships with customers and create loyalty. Finally, text messaging is an efficient way to reach a large number of people quickly and easily. In today’s competitive marketplace, text messaging can give dealerships a significant advantage over their competitors.

Email Marketing:

Email marketing is important for an auto dealership marketing plan because it allows dealerships to stay in touch with their customers and cultivate relationships. By sending regular updates, special offers, and other information, dealerships can keep their customers engaged and informed about what they have to offer. Email marketing can also be used to target specific audiences with tailored messages, making it a powerful tool for reaching out to new and existing customers alike.

When done correctly, email marketing can be an extremely effective way to reach out to customers and build relationships. It’s important to make sure that your messages are relevant and interesting, however, or you risk coming across as spammy and ruining the chances of developing a good rapport. Keep your emails thoughtful and targeted, and you’ll be on your way to success in no time.

Online advertising

In order to reach and engage potential customers, you need to meet them where they are spending their time – and that’s online. According to a recent study, internet users in the US spend an average of 24 hours per week online. That’s a lot of time spent browsing, researching, and socializing – all activities that present opportunities for auto dealerships to reach their target market.

With so much time spent online, it’s no surprise that automotive shoppers are increasingly turning to the internet when researching their next vehicle purchase. In fact, a recent report found that nearly 80% of car buyers use the internet during their shopping process.

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking to improve your dealership marketing, make sure you include these seven key components in your plan. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to reaching and engaging more customers online. Have any questions about how to implement these strategies? Let us know! We’re happy to help.

Brantley Kendall