Tips For a Safe, Comfortable, And Stress-Free Long-Distance Car Journey

Brantley Kendall

13 Feb 2023 1 year ago

We’ve all heard stories of people getting stuck in traffic jams, running out of fuel in the middle of nowhere, or sleeping in the car because they couldn’t find a place to stay. All these things can add stress and discomfort to a journey and can even be dangerous. That’s why we’ve put together this blog. We’ll be sharing tips on preparing for a long-distance car journey, staying safe and comfortable on the road, and managing stress and fatigue. We’ll also cover topics such as what to do if you get lost, ensuring you have enough fuel and supplies, and staying focused and alert while driving. So, this blog is for you whether you’re a seasoned long-distance driver or a first-timer. We’ll help you plan, prepare for, and stay safe on your long-distance car journey so that you can relax, enjoy the scenery, and make the most out of your trip. Here are tips and tricks to help make your long-distance car transportation go as smoothly as possible:

Map out your route and know your stops in advance

Before you hit the road, map your route and know where you’ll make rest stops. Knowing your route in advance will help you stay on track and make your journey more efficient. When you have a set plan of where you will be going, it can help to keep fuel costs down. When you know the exact route to take, and what exits to use along the way, you can better calculate where to fill up and how much fuel you will need. Having this information in advance can also help if you run into any unexpected delays on the road; if your original route takes too long, you’ll be able to make alternate plans more easily.

Make sure you have enough gas to make the trip.

When planning a long-distance road trip, perhaps one that takes multiple days or even weeks depending on how far away you are going, having enough gas should always be a top priority as running out between stops means being stranded until help arrives, which isn’t ideal when time constraints come into play. Not only does this disrupt travel plans, it often involves costly repair bills since it may require calling roadside assistance services such as tow trucks, that charge hefty fees for their work in emergencies. This can quickly add up no matter what kind of vehicle you own, so why risk it? Making sure there’s plenty of fuel onboard from start to finish eliminates any worries about breakdowns due to lack thereof during transit periods, thus helping maximize overall safety levels too.

Check your car’s fluids, tires, and brakes before the trip.

Properly maintained fluids, tires and brakes will help ensure that your car remains reliable during the long journey. Checking your car’s fluids is an easy process that involves checking the engine oil level, transmission fluid level, coolant level, and power steering fluid level. Making sure your tires are properly inflated and in good condition is also important for safety and efficiency on the road. Lastly, checking your brakes should be done periodically to ensure they are working properly and that there are no signs of leaking brake fluid or wear on rotors or pads.  

Have to plan to stay overnight if the trip is too long

When you don’t have a plan, you often find yourself stuck in unfamiliar places with no idea which hotels are reputable or cost-effective. This can lead to wasted time searching for a place to stay and more money spent than was necessary. Having a plan for where to stay overnight gives you security and control over the entire journey. You’ll be able to research options ahead of time so that you know exactly what kind of accommodations you’re getting when you arrive. This way, there won’t be any surprises or unexpected costs. Additionally, planning where to stay overnight during a long trip allows for greater flexibility. If something unexpected arises or your plans change, you’ll be able to easily adjust your accommodation arrangements without the stress of not knowing what’s available at your destination.

Make sure you have your driver’s license, registration, and insurance before you leave.

The most important thing is that you must always carry a valid driver’s license. A state-issued identification card or a passport is also a suitable form of identification in some jurisdictions. However, ensure that any expired documents are replaced with updated versions before departure! You should also check for current auto insurance coverage with your carrier before heading out – this will protect you financially and those involved in case anything goes wrong during the trip. It involves medical costs incurred due to injury or damage done by one party against another. You can cover all under proper liability protection plans provided by insurers. Finally, ensure you have proof of registration for each vehicle being driven along the way – many states require vehicles crossing their borders to show proof they belong there (even when just passing through), so don’t forget this crucial piece!  

Have an emergency contact list in your car in case something happens

It may sound like a silly recommendation, but it’s one of the most important steps to take when planning a big relocation. When moving far away, many potential pitfalls and roadblocks can pop up at any given moment. From busy roads to sudden detours, you need someone in your corner who can help track down lost items or find new routes if needed. An emergency contact list makes these situations much easier and less stressful! Remember: if you plan before taking off on a long-distance move, no matter how prepared things may seem, always ensure that you create an emergency contact list as a part of your travel preparation. Doing so only takes a few moments out of your day yet can save you considerable stress & worry should anything ever goes awry while you’re en route!

Check weather conditions 

Keep an eye on the weather conditions before leaving home so that you can prepare accordingly. If severe weather is predicted, postpone your trip until the conditions are safer. If storms are in the forecast, plan an alternative route or adjust your departure time if possible. Be sure to check the traffic patterns of your route and allow for extra time in case of delays. Stay up-to-date on any construction zones or traffic delays ahead of time by using navigation applications like Waze or Google Maps. This will help you plan alternate routes in case there are delays on your original route due to construction or traffic jams.

Pack your car with comfortable items

There may only sometimes be comfort stops along the way, which could make people uncomfortable if they don’t have items, such as blankets, cushions, etc., for relief. These items can also provide some much-needed rest during unexpected fatigue due to lack of sleep or exhaustion from hours on the road. So whether you’re embarking upon an adventure on a faraway land or just staying close by for the weekend; do yourself a favor and pack properly to ensure complete comfort at every step on the way.  

Take plenty of breaks to stay alert and stretch your legs

Taking regular breaks and staying hydrated will help prevent fatigue, another important safety measure for drivers. Additionally, when driving long distances, it can be easy to become complacent, so it is important to stay aware of your surroundings and look out for potential hazards or changes in traffic flow.

Some quick tips

  • Pack snacks and drinks for the journey so you don’t have to stop as often to get food or drinks. Be careful not to eat too much as it could make you feel drowsy while driving.
  • Get plenty of rest before the trip so you are focused and alert during the drive and can remain alert for long hours if necessary. Bring someone along who can take turns with driving duties and keep you company during the journey.
  • Stay aware of your surroundings when driving in unfamiliar areas; look for signs for upcoming towns, landmarks, or emergency services like police stations, hospitals, or fire stations in case of an emergency.
  • Make sure to take regular breaks along the way – this will help keep you energized throughout the journey and reduce exhaustion on arrival at your destination.

Auto transport services for long-distance moves Vs. Self-driving for long-distance relocations

Two distinct approaches are available for long-distance relocations: auto transport services or self-driving. Each option has advantages and disadvantages, which you should consider carefully before deciding.

Hiring auto transport services 

Auto transport services are the most convenient option for those who need their vehicles moved over great distances without having to put in any extra effort themselves. It’s an affordable option that can save both time and money on long road trips since experienced drivers will be responsible for ensuring your car arrives safely at its destination with minimal wear and tear incurred during transit. Additionally, these services provide fewer chances of getting pulled over by law enforcement due to no driver fatigue as they provide well-rested professional drivers along with necessary permits and licenses needed for cross-state transportation laws compliance. However, customers have very little control when it comes to knowing where exactly their vehicle is going or how careful the driver is while transporting them – adding a note of worry about the safety of their property in transit.  

Driving yourself

Self-driving offers an alternative approach that requires more work but holds many potential benefits at a lower cost than hiring professionals if you’re willing (and able)to take responsibility into your own hands – literally! You get complete control over all aspects involving driving yourself across multiple states, including timing pickups/drop-offs, route selection based on personal preference (including avoiding traffic jams, etc.), usage flexibility such as taking breaks from driving whenever deemed necessary & lastly, feeling connected throughout journey via engaging landmarks encountered en route which adds much-needed layer fun & exploration factor associated with travel itself. But this comes with an added burden placed upon individuals like serving shifts behind the wheel. So when gathering up pros versus cons between Auto Transport Services VS Self Driving, one needs to evaluate various parameters, i.e., total budget costs involved and comfort level desired during the move required.

Auto transport services vs. driving yourself: which one is expensive? 

It depends on the situation. Auto transport services can be more expensive because of the extra coordination and resources needed to move a vehicle from one location to another. The cost is also affected by the size, type, and distance of your move. Auto transport services may be more cost-effective than driving if you have a large/ exotic vehicle or you are moving into a remote area. On the other hand, for shorter distances, or if you own a smaller, more common car, driving it yourself might be more economical. Ultimately it’s up to you to decide on the most cost-effective choice for your particular situation.

Tips for hiring an auto transport service

Having an automobile transported can be a daunting task. You’re entrusting your precious cargo to someone you don’t know, and that alone is enough for anyone to be anxious about it. However, with the right research and preparation, hiring an auto transport service provider should not give you too much reason to worry – if done correctly.  To make sure that your shipment arrives safe and sound at its destination, here are proven ways on how best to hire a trusted professional auto transport service: 

Do Your Research 

Many reliable companies are out there, so take the time to perform detailed background checks by reviewing past clients’ reviews and ratings from rating bureaus such as Better Business Bureaus (BBB). This will ensure that only reputable companies get considered during your search process. Additionally, always ask potential carriers questions like what type of insurance they carry for any damages incurred while shipping could get covered. Or whether or not they offer door-to-door delivery, both options depend heavily on the distance traveled, but this helps set expectations before transit begins. 

Ask Around For Recommendations

If your family members, friends, or coworkers have hired car transporters themselves in the past. In that case, those experiences will come in handy when it comes down to choosing one since the majority wouldn’t knowingly recommend bad services — even if offered cash incentives! So look no further than within familiar circles first before venturing off elsewhere online where anything goes nowadays.

Get quotes from multiple companies.

Auto transport services can vary greatly in cost, so it is important to shop around and compare quotes from multiple companies. This will help ensure you get the best deal possible for your needs.

Understand their services

Before committing to any auto transport service, ensure you understand exactly what they offer. Do they provide door-to-door delivery? Are there additional fees for pick up and drop off? Are there any restrictions on vehicle size or type? Make sure that you know all of this information before making a decision.

 Ask for a written contract.

Getting a written contract before hiring an auto transport service is important. This will protect both parties involved in case of any discrepancies or misunderstandings. Make sure that the terms of the contract are clear and that all expectations have been discussed in full detail before signing.

Read the contract carefully.

Before signing anything, make sure to read over the contract provided by the auto transport service carefully. Pay special attention to any fine print or hidden fees that may be included in the agreement. Also, ensure that all information such as pick up location, drop off location, vehicle details, and dates are accurate before signing anything!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do auto transport services cost?+

The cost to ship a car depends on several factors, such as the type of vehicle, distance of the move, and whether you choose an open or enclosed carrier. Generally, the cost is approximately $2 per mile for open transport and $3 to $4 per mile for enclosed transport.

What is the difference between open and enclosed carriers?

Open car shipping are the most economical option and are designed to transport vehicles from one location to another securely. Enclosed carriers offer added security for higher-value vehicles, such as luxury cars, race cars, or vintage vehicles. They also protect your vehicle from weather conditions and road debris during transportation.

How long does it take to ship a car? 

The time it takes to ship a car depends on various factors such as the distance of the move, time of year, weather conditions, availability of carriers, traffic, and road construction. On average, it typically takes 5-7 days for shorter moves (less than 500 miles) and 10-14 days for longer moves (more than 1000 miles).

What is the best way to prepare my car for shipping?

The best way to prepare your car for shipping is to ensure that it is clean and free of any loose items inside or outside the vehicle. It is also recommended to disable any security alarms that may be activated during transport.

Are there any additional fees?

Yes, additional fees may depend on the service type you select. Some services offer discounts for paying in advance or for shipping multiple vehicles. Some companies may charge extra if your car needs to be loaded or unloaded by hand or you must transport the vehicle via a truck with a lift gate. Ask upfront about any extra fees so that you can factor them into your budget.

How do I prepare my car for transport?

To prepare your car, remove all personal items from the cabin and trunk and check the fluid levels before delivery. It is also important to check that the battery is properly secured and all windows are closed and locked. If you are transporting a classic car, consider taking photographs beforehand in case of any damage during transport.

Does auto transport damage my car?

Auto transport services typically use industry-standard methods to ensure your car is safe during transit. The drivers are highly trained professionals who take great care when loading, unloading, and transporting cars across the country. However, it is still important to inspect your vehicle closely upon delivery to ensure that it arrives in the same condition as when it left.

What happens if my car has mechanical issues during transit? 

If mechanical issues arise while your car is in transit, the driver will immediately contact their dispatch team to find a solution. Depending on the severity of the issue, they may need to make repairs before continuing on their route or arrange alternate transport for your vehicle so that it can reach its destination safely.

Brantley Kendall